Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 2: Movies, sushi and...Michael Lohan?

Day 2: Movies, Sushi and...Michael Lohan?
(from Kristine)

Today was the first, full day of the festival, so, naturally, Kathy and I slept through half of it (we were out until 2 a.m. on Thursday, what do you expect?). But it was much needed rest, since, thanks to a clueless bus driver, we ended up having to literally sprint to the premier showing of "Brooklyn's Finest"--a movie we did NOT want to be late for. (That's the one starring Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Don Cheadle and Wesley Snipes. More on that later...)
Our first movie was a documentary called "Boy Interrupted" written, shot and directed by the parents of the movie's subject: their 15 year-old son--a wonderfully interesting and creative boy whose battle with bipolar depressive disorder tragically ended in suicide. Yes, it was depressing, but it was also enlightening and moving. I actually experienced two Sundance 'firsts' at that screening:
1) I got to see the first documentary to be premiered at the brand new Temple Theatre.
2) I got to see an audience clap in appreciation and agreement when a fellow audience member (in this case KATHY!) made a comment to the director after the movie.

After the show we took the (errant) shuttle to go see "Brooklyn's Finest". It was a full house at the Eccles Theater, but thankfully Kathy and I found two seats together. This movie was a "corrupt cop" drama by the same director who did "Training Day." It was good and entertaining, though more mainstream-feeling. We were hoping to see all the lead actors there, but Richard Gere and Ethan Hawke didn't show. However, Don Cheadle and Wesley Snipes did--and Spike Lee was also in the house.

By the time we got out of that show we were starving so we headed to Oishi for a sushi dinner. Yum! (Sidenote: On the shuttle back to Main St. we chatted with some AP/Wire photogs who said that the festival has definitely downsized this year. Apparently sponsorship has fallen nearly 75% and attendence is lower as well. Venues and restaurants are not as crowded. There are still quite a few people, but it does feel more low-key. It seems the recession--plus the pending inauguration--have changed people's priorities this year.)

Since we didn't get a chance to stroll Main St. and celebrity-search before our movies, we decided give it a look-see after dinner before we headed back to the hotel.

Quick observation: Despite the fact that it gets down into the teens here at night, some people (read: ladies) choose to go with form over function when dressing for a night on the Park City town. See photo at left.

Kathy's new BFF--Michael Lohan

(post by Kathy)

We were strolling down Main Street when Kristine said, "Hey, isn't that Lindsay Lohan's dad?" She nodded toward a little coffee shop. Sure enough, Kristine had spotted a celebrity's father through a window. I was so proud of how she has honed her celebrity-spotting skills and knowledge since last year ("Cisco Adler--who is that??") In my world, you are a bona fide celebrity if you have ever graced the pages of In Touch magazine.

I immediately remembered that one of the hottest celebrity parties this year is the Michael Lohan charity bash on Sunday night. People were selling invites to this party online for big bucks. Thinking quickly, I said, "Hey, why don't we go in and see if he has any extra tickets to his party?" We entered the coffee shop and got in line, which positioned us right next to Lohan and the guy he was talking to.

As soon as there was a break in his conversation, I walked over to Michael Lohan and said, "Hi, I was wondering if you happen to have any extra tickets to your party?" He smiled really big and said, "Oh, we were so surprised at how fast it booked up, so there aren't any tickets left." We chatted for a couple of minutes, and he was very nice. He said his publicist is from Nashville. At the end of the conversation, he said, "Well, come by the party Sunday night and ask for me, and I'll come out and let you two in." I thanked him and started to walk back over to Kristine. He then said "Kathy" and motioned me back over. He said, "Hey, let me give you my cell phone number so you can call when you get there, because they might not be able to find me." He then had me program his number into my phone and call his phone to make sure it was entered correctly.

So Michael Lohan is now included in the Contact list on my cell phone.

I told Kristine later that I am now Michael Lohan's Number 1 Fan. Don't believe anything you read on D-Listed about him, Josh.

1 comment:

  1. ok....i am now laughing SOOOOO hard. Really. Michael Lohan. Contact. Cell Phone. Intouch Magazine. Through the window. Geez! Glad to see you ladies are having so much fun!
